The Forward Initiative Helps Progressives Get Firearm Permits and More, Trump Aims to Strip 60 Universities Over Last Year's Protests, Attacks on Trans People Defeated Nationwide, more

Progressives often feel unwelcome in concealed carry classes or out on the practice ranges, as stark political differences can be heightened in the presence of firearms. Enter Blake Alvarenga, Executive Director of The Forward Initiative or "TFI" ( TFI is devoted to not JUST making sure progressives can be comfortable in exercising their Second Amendment rights, but also offers the "Stop the Bleed" program (, affiliated with the American College of Surgeons, to instruct people on how to stop a severely injured person from bleeding out. We discuss TFI's goals and classes.

Next, despite political protests being one of the most protected forms of expression by the First Amendment, the Trump Administration is threatening to cut all Federal funding for 60 institutions of higher learning, including UW-Madison, over the protests of the genocide in Gaza that went on last year. Finally, we talk about how judges have been pushing back against Trump's attacks on transgender people, and how even in the very-red State of Montana, the legislature has had Republican Representatives cross the aisle to stand with Democratic Representatives there against heinous anti-trans bills. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 14, 2025 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

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The Forward Initiative Helps Progressives Get Firearm Permits and More, Trump Aims to Strip 60 Universities Over Last Year's Protests, Attacks on Trans People Defeated Nationwide, more
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